Choosing sustainable fashion is the only way to safeguard the environment, workers’ rights and consumer choices. Thanks to the awareness that change in this sector is necessary, the market is changing. And he is doing so by developing devices and attentions that aim to respect and give concrete help to our planet, increasingly suffering because of pollution and poor management of the last few decades. Everything can become sustainable, even our own lifestyle. Improving the way of shopping, for example, can be the first step to approaching this new way of life. How? Focusing on quality, carefully reading the labels, preferring
certified brands: in two words, becoming conscious consumers. Unlike other textile materials, fur garments can be cut again and processed as they evolve of fashion. Fur is one of the few garments that are handed down and often used by several generations. Faux fur, on the other hand, is generally made up of petroleum derivatives, a non-renewable resource. The production, transport and disposal of petrochemicals can cause major environmental problems. Like other plastics, these materials do not decompose easily and remain in landfills for centuries. For this reason, the fur industry is a sector that has made sustainability one of its cornerstones, providing itself with even stricter rules than the institutional ones such as the certification of the company, the traceability of the product, animal welfare and greater transparency. It is therefore increasingly environmentally friendly to talk about real fur rather than synthetic fur.Our mission is the ethical distribution of quality leather to our customers who have freely chosen to wear the fur.